WHITEY BOARD - transparent

WriteyBoard whiteboard paint is the most radical whiteboard paint out there. With just one, simple coat your wall is transformed into a dry erase surface that isn’t bound by borders or manufacturing restrictions. How big you want to go is up to you, your imagination is the final frontier.
WriteyBoard dry erase board paint is plain and simple: One can. One whiteboard. No mixing of this can and that can, just pour and paint. Within 72 hours you have a beautiful, modern, whiteboard that reflects amiably on your sense of being a trend setter. Write from floor to ceiling door way to door way all for a price a fraction that of traditional whiteboards found in classrooms.
WriteyBoard whiteboard paint is an influential, contemporary modernization to the lecture hall whiteboards that haven’t changed in decades. No more sharp edges to catch your hip bone on. Unleash your true potential with this dry erase board paint. It is the seamless integration of wall and whiteboard. So go ahead and write on the walls, you won’t get in trouble this time, we promise.

An increasing number of companies, knowledge centres and organizations experience the endless possibilities of Whiteboard Paint. Complete walls, doors or pieces of furniture are written on with special whiteboard markers in order to develop business processes, projects and innovative ideas.
The idea originates in the United States, where many innovative businesses apply this type of paint in their offices. A whiteboard wall can help you to prioritize, phase and structure certain tasks or create a visual time line, amongst other things. By working out their ideas on an entire wall, instead of within the limited boundaries of the traditional whiteboard, professionals are given limitless space to make processes transparent and show their creativity.
Our Whiteboard Paint is also very suitable for meeting places, schools, bars and restaurants or even at home. People like to post small ads on the wall of a coffee shop. Or leave messages and drawings for each other on the bathroom or kitchen door. Are these messages outdated or unwanted? You can easily remove them from the wall with a wiper, without having to use a cleaning spray.